

Pertinence d’un rapport de transparence fiscale – Meeting of Le Cercle comptabilité & fiscalité of the ADPC – 4 June 2024 (E. Quentin)

Eric Quentin, a partner at Hoche Avocats, spoke in his capacity as an expert at a meeting organised by the accounting and tax circle of the APDC (Cercle comptabilité & fiscalité de l’APDC) on 4 June 2024 on the subject of the relevance for groups to draw up a tax transparency report.

This meeting was organised by Le Cercle comptabilité & fiscalité, co-directed by Sophie Gonthier (ADP) and Mathieu Finaz (Bouygues), and focused on the relevance for groups of drawing up a tax transparency report.

Jean-Michel Maroslavac, Tax Director at VINCI, was a guest speaker.

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The team:

  • Eric Quentin

    Tel. +33 (0)1 53 93 22 00 See more
